10 August 2014

Ramtha in Los Angeles 2006

On Saturday, May 20, 2006 while driving to the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel where Ramtha—in control of the body of his 'channeler' JZ Knight—would speak in the Hollywood Ballroom, I found myself experiencing what I would later realize to be a synchronicity incident.  I spotted a personalized license plate that said "BONMOTS" and would discover that this was an apt description of an aspect of Ramtha's unusual teaching manner.
When I'd witnessed Kevin Ryerson channel three different entities at the Philosophical Research Society in 1998, seeing his facial expressions when he first went into trance had been fascinating.  Although I don't remember having heard any 'bon mots,' I noticed that the beings who spoke through Ryerson at times sometimes referred to themselves with the pronoun 'we.'  Now, eight years later, here was another opportunity to witness channeling; however, on this occasion there was no display of the process leading into a trance or out-of-body state for the mentality of the channeler.  (An example of channeler 'John of God' 'incorporating the entity' is offered in this video.)

The ticket for Ramtha's Hollywood lecture cost $150 and the event began an hour late.  That was when Ramtha in control of JZ Knight's body received enthusiastic applause and a standing ovation upon entering the ballroom.  I remained seated as I still didn't know what to think about it all.

In the books I'd read about Ramtha, he was recounted to modestly address each student as 'master.'  Many of those present seemed elated to see (or see again) in person the enigma and phenomenon that is Ramtha.  I appreciate tape recording this type of event as it's difficult to reflect upon spoken sentiments when uttered in quick progression.

The lecture had been scheduled to last four hours but not only did it start late, it would end an hour early.  Obviously, Ramtha doesn't strictly conform to schedules as is readily understandable; however, there was an impressive amount of apparently extemporaneous information presented in two hours.  I estimated the audience to be around 350 people while a satellite feed was also available via the Internet for $50. 

Following the standing ovation, Ramtha spoke: "Greetings and salutations, you beauteous entities, indeed welcome to this esteemed audience."  He repeated the phrase several times with slight variations and then said, "Indeed I am honored to have you here.  Let us have a drink to life.  We change the water that it become the living proclamation to which we say.  And then we drink it into the body and the body is given life truly."

Ramtha then recited a prayer with most in the audience repeating each sentence that he said, beginning with: "Oh my beloved God . . . of this day . . . I celebrate my beautiful life . . ."; and concluding with: ". . . and all that I learn this day . . . I accept its manifestation . . . truly into my life . . . and that through the experience . . . I may live . . . for two hundred years . . . without death . . . from the lord god of my being . . . so be that."  After the toast "To Life!," Ramtha told those standing "You may be seated" and they sat down. 

There followed a three minute period of silence when Ramtha slowly scanned the audience, person by person and processing psychic information, evidently.  Did Ramtha stare in my direction for what seemed a comparatively long interlude or did it just seem that way?  Ramtha then spoke again: "I am Ramtha the Enlightened One, servant under God, under the Christ and unto you.  For you be both those divine beings.  So this day in your time I am honored to be a part of this august body and for this short time in your time to impart to your life meaningful change, to make wonder happen, and to evolve you."  He added wryly: "An easy task."

As Ramtha continued speaking, I decided that the voice was unusual.  It wasn't what I would describe as being a deep voice as a female might evoke to imitate a male.  Having attended a lecture by JZ Knight earlier in the year, the personality and sensibility was entirely different. 

Ramtha said: "I am not in this body.  I am using this body for you have witnessed the great teachings of the channel a day before in your time and you will have gotten close to her but now you are only seeing its body and its body is being worked from the back of the head.  I am actually up here so why the deception or wonder?  One might ask you the same thing."  Then was heard "Yeah" in Ramtha's voice with such a strange cadence that it gave me pause and there were several moments like this during the lecture.

On the surface, some of what I heard seemed like what possibly could be considered unusually wry spiritual philosophizing.  At times statements were followed with a comment that would allow the listener to understand the philosophical context, such as:  "God is amoral.  It is the creative life.  It's sublime Presence transcends the description of mere mortal but it is the substantialness of mortalness . . ." 

While talking about woman as being "the most prejudiced [against] group there ever was," Ramtha said: "And right now three women in what you consider the motherland of religion were burned to death today by their husbands because their dowry ran out.  And the man shan't be punished for his evil deed.  He will simply find another wife with a bigger dowry."

Human evolution and the suppression of knowledge were other topics.

". . . every human being will be asked to come to a point of regal justice in their thinking.  And you will think, 'Ah, it is because we have polluted the air.  It is because we are destroying the Earth.'  That's true.  But no, you are unequal and because of that you can never find the center."

"The knowledge that you will learn this day and that you have known to this day will survive to a new world and a new time.  A new time.  And that new time is about then that which is termed the celebration of the individual and that God lives not in a piece of real estate called heaven but within the most beautiful temple ever made — the human body." 
There would be abrupt changes of topic.  The day before the lecture, the movie "The Da Vinci Code" had opened in America.

"Yeshua ben Joseph had a twin.  His name was Thomas.  To those of us, that is well-known.  That he was trained — that his soul was comprised of thirteen masters is also known.  And that those thirteen masters contributed as thirteen teachers taught to their greatest accomplishment and taught them and then engaged them, as hierophants do, to make them live the teaching they were taught . . ."

Ramtha related that "initiation" was involved in the life of the man whom many know by the name Jesus — "And so Yeshua ben Joseph the Christ — a Christ — was initiated by thirteen teachers — soul was comprised of them.  And so was his brother Thomas, his twin, which gets confusing in the old book.  Long gone."

From this topic, Ramtha addressed the subject of DNA.  However one engages life and the outcome to emotion was stated to determine one's semen or eggs, changing one's DNA and gift to the future.  Ramtha continued: "If you are a man of fantasy who lives in his first seal, then you have damned your children because they will be children caught in the flesh.  If you're a man who contemplates nature, then you will have given rise in the next generation to scientists, botanists, but in a venue of mind which supersedes this one.  And that will be the incarnated entity who will come into your world."

About Yeshua's twin brother, Ramtha said that he "laid with women openly" and "drank wine heavily.  And in the end his greatest initiation was to survive death.  It was the last of the teaching."

The Doer was the mystery.  And that mystery is called Divine Being.  The observer, the god in you.  And so when clearly observed in an act of beauty, in an act of initiation, it was not the personality, the body, like we wear that did the phenomenal work.  It was the leadership within it that wore the body.  And so they celebrate it by saying it is the I Am of the I Am that has created this.

There were many brief hiatuses in the lecture where partners in the audience could explain to one another what they had just heard if they wanted.  JZ Knight had incorporated this procedure into her own lectures as I had observed on January 31.  After the hiatus that followed the commentary on Yeshua ben Joseph, Ramtha stated: "So the wave of knowledge that comes from the future has come in a form of entertainment . . . The same gods that the world worships — things they see in reality — motions of pictures are realities akin to the visions in the brain and watching them played out and living vicariously through them indeed.  And comes the story of these twin brothers and their great accomplishment."

I, myself, had noticed the commonality of visionary experiences among cases of psychic phenomena and transcendental communication so at the time of this lecture I intended to call a planned biographical book about my spiritual awakening and metaphysical research Hollyweird; however, I soon selected the more suitable title of My Unexpected Path of Spiritual Discovery.  Terms used by Ramtha included all manner of subjects, including the expression "test tube babies."

"And the truth of this teaching has emerged.  To great hatred.  To great celebration.  The quandary — is it real, is it not real?  Well I'm here and I'm pretty real . . ."

"I am by science a phenomenon, an oddity, a power, without a Social Security number."

"So I am here to tell everyone 'Behold God' and to start the great and slow and tedious work of teaching entities that they are divine."

"And for thousands of years you may not have done anything but been incarnated cannon fodder for all those principalities, for all those warring regions, for all those religions.  And poor little entity gathering up their little children and what foodstuffs to move out of the way of war because they know their children are going to die for a dispute."

"And when we wake up, what are we when we understand that we are greater than the sum total of our body.  What do we become — quintessential mind.  And when we become quintessential mind, indeed we are God man realized — thus the name Christos: 'to know.'  Christ.  God woman realized.  Christos: 'to know.'"

"To say that one is god begins the awakening and the learning.  And that is what I do.  And not that anything that I said is ever the truth.  There's nothing I ever said was the truth.  It only becomes the truth when we initiate you into what I said, into what you said.  And that the experience of that philosophy manifested in your life — that you experience in your importance, then it is a truth.  So the great work is taking this knowledge into a practicality of life because life is a gift and learning to live it at higher tempos of frequency, higher visions and concepts of thought, and to manifest it in the world to the startling reality of the unawakened around you who begin to wake up."

"So what are we doing?  We are replicating Christ's teachings.  But he wasn't the first.  He didn't make these the first.  He's simply the realization of what always was."

After a hiatus when the excited chatter approached the level of a roar in the ballroom, Ramtha called for quiet and began speaking again.  "So in the great work are you filled with the notion to run out there and bring peace to the world?  No, don't do that ever.  You will become cannon fodder and crushed politically." 

It wouldn't be until reading other books presenting transcripts of Ramtha's lectures that I would recognize the prominence of the utilization of contradiction as a teaching tool.  He said about cynicism: "Cynicism outside of your familiar ground will destroy you for you are incapable of doing marvelous things that change their mind."

"It starts with you.  You change.  And your reality changes.  And when you do and your mind becomes developed and it gets bigger and bigger.  And you do marvelous things."

"So then the world becomes saved, as it were, christ by christ by christ by christ by christ . . ."

Here is one of Ramtha's proverbs —

"The need to be right is only the opposite of being wrong.  Needing to be right means you're already wrong."

Around ninety minutes after beginning the lecture, Ramtha began coughing (a physical limitation for a visitor from the ascended realm is a lesson in itself).  After a hiatus, Ramtha said one of his often-stated pronouncements: ". . . I will send you runners.  I will manifest reality for you."  During another suddenly ensuing hiatus, I considered about the possible rationale for these pronouncements being made by Ramtha without specifying more precisely that the omnipresent God and Christ Consciousness would be the Source making possible the sending of those 'runners.'  Testing was mentioned:

"And then when you'll know it [receiving one of Ramtha's 'runners'] has been crafted for you is when you have a smile on your face and the test will be over.  And the next one will come.  A little tiny adversity for a big smile.  So be that.  So at the end does anyone ever quit school or stop learning?  Always.  Always.  Because learning to be great can be a tedious thing to someone who has been a victim.  Learning to be remarkable means you have to stop what you would always do and do this instead."

Other clues included Ramtha saying "There's no number to the beings that contribute to the mind of God" and "Gravitons are simply particles of will."

After Ramtha began coughing again, he made the comment, "Tired mouth" and gargled with water, prompting some nervous laughter among the audience.  The predicament indicated that Ramtha could experience human discomforts while controlling Knight's body.  Something I noticed that day was that Knight's body was moving in a very fluid way.

Ramtha mentioned what students at his school were learning, including to "biolocate" and "become invisible."  "And those who do the great work become the great wizards.  They become the great masters."

One of Ramtha's closing remarks was "I'll be seeing you soon in those runners I will send you straightaway."

Event attendees received a folder with information about Ramtha's School of Enlightenment: "An Introduction to Ramtha, His School, and JZ Knight."  Along with a DVD there were brochures entitled "Ramtha The Enlightened One," "Scientific Research on Ramtha" and "Ramtha's Model of Science."  Much of this information may be read at ramtha.com.  The DVD presents a short documentary about "Ramtha's School: A Look Within."  Students are shown involved in what might be considered 'disciplines' or 'exercises' where they are blindfolded.  What is called 'field work with cards' is where students attempt to find a card they drew that someone else attached facedown on a fence bordering a large field.  There is also blindfolded archery; and 'the labyrinth,' a maze where the students seek to find their way to the center.  The DVD also presented "Cracking the Code to the Extraordinary," a montage of video clips of JZ Knight and a clip of a Ramtha invocation.  In a third brief video clip, Ramtha is shown speaking about the expression "Create your day."

After the conclusion of Ramtha's lecture, I left the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel and found it ironic that across the street from the front of the hotel was a huge billboard for the movie "An American Haunting" starring Donald Sutherland and Sissy Spacek.  This was a fictionalized commercial movie adaptation of the Bell Witch 'talking poltergeist' case. 

It also seemed ironic to me that my brother Mike was currently at the same time in another part of the world.  He was at the Cannes Film Festival for two weeks overseeing the distribution to celebrities of pens costing $1,618 to promote a "The Da Vinci Code" movie tie-in 'Divine Proportion' (0.618) writing instrument from luxury pen maker Visconti.
Looking at the folder of information about Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, I am reminded that for more than seven years (1987-1995) I had been employed to create news releases and press kits that informed television, newspaper, magazine and radio publicity outlets about a succession of more than 100 Paramount Pictures movie releases.  In 1995 after my own initiation into Christ Consciousness as chronicled in the nonfiction case study Testament (1997), I left behind my entertainment industry career to dedicate myself to sharing my experiences and expanding the spiritual awareness of others.  My personal analytical approach to metaphysical subjects encourages readers to consider and reflect about the basis for their own beliefs.

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