05 January 2014

"Coast to Coast AM," Nostradamus and the Removal of Ignorance, EVP and Auld Lang Syne

On the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 31, I found myself considering the idea of doing something I hadn't done in nearly ten years — calling the national radio talkshow "Coast to Coast AM" during a broadcast.  The program ostensibly deals with topics involving "unexplained phenomena."

The show is nationally syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks, Inc., a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications.  A recent news release provides a description of the show: "Each night on Coast to Coast AM, listeners are captivated with discussions on news and current events, conspiracy theories and all things curious and unexpected."  I noticed that the "Recent Guests" listed at the show website included perennials Whitley Strieber, William Henry, Dannion Brinkley, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Linda Moulton Howe, Michael Cremo, Stan Deyo, Major Ed Dames, Stephen Bassett, Howard Bloom, and Alex Jones.

I had been a frequent listener and occasional caller between 1997 and 2003.  I made myself available as a guest to the show producers in 2013 despite some problems and misunderstandings in the past (apparently because of my desire to inform listeners about my noncommercial website presenting the case study of my 'paranormal' experiences).

On Tuesday after contemplating the matter, I decided to listen once again to the show before deciding whether or not I would participate.  During the show's annual New Year's broadcast, listeners are invited to call and share predictions for the new year.  Here in Southern California, the show begins at 10 pm and ends at 2 am.

Reflecting about my past participation in the show, I realize that there were times when I reacted too judgmentally concerning others' response to myself.  I was preoccupied with making clear my perspective of the situation without being sympathetic about the complex social dynamics of what is, after all, a corporate entertainment franchise.  Anyone who has worked in the hierarchy of a large shareholder corporation knows what are the problems.  To explain the format of my website, I had decided to keep an audio journal of my experiences via microcassettes and elected to transcribe my media interviews (and telephone calls to radio shows) to provide an overview of my progress.

While emotions and perceived disappointments are ephemeral, forgiveness in relation to human conflicts is an important part of our earthly experiences.  I have forgiven the show's creative team for any lack of understanding just as I'm sure they would forgive me if they understood me better. 

So, at 11 pm New Year's Eve, I began listening to George discuss the predictions made during the broadcast the previous year while intermittently responding to new callers' statements.  George has been hosting "Coast to Coast AM" for eleven years.

It was after midnight when the new year arrived that I decided to call the show with a comment about Nostradamus, the subject of a recent blog article.  My dedicated readers will recall that Nostradamus was also the topic of a radio show call that I made on July 25, 1999 when Hilly Rose was the host of "Dreamland," which was the sister show to "Coast to Coast AM" at that time.

As I called one of the two suitable dial-in numbers for the show, I wondered if producer Tom Danheiser would recognize my voice as he had screened some of my calls in the past.  When he answered the call, I told him, "My prediction is that this will be the year that Nostradamus mentioned as 'when the time comes for the removal of ignorance.'"  Tom asked me if I really believed that and I responded, "Yes, I do."

I told him my name was Mark and that I was calling from Winnetka, which I thought would be a familiar San Fernando Valley neighborhood to him but then he asked me for further information so I told him that Winnetka is in Southern California.  Perhaps Tom would have recognized me if I had given the location from previous calls, Canoga Park, but between then and now I've learned that my address actually is within the boundaries of Winnetka.  A few minutes later, it was my turn to make a prediction.

G: In Winnetka, California, Mark’s with us.  Hey, Mark, what do you got for us?
M: Hi, George.  My prediction for 2014 is that this will be the time that Nostradamus mentioned as "when the time comes for the removal of ignorance."  Nostradamus was the first of a vast number of people to become publically known for chronicling their experiences of so-called paranormal or unexplained phenomena following the development of the industry of printing.  So it turns out that through the analysis of the lives of people associated with this paranormal or unexplained phenomena people can comprehend the mind and nature of the all-knowing transcendental source reflected through the writings of Nostradamus — or in other words — God made manifest through the cosmic Christ Force.  This understanding thus achieves "the removal of ignorance."

George didn't have any questions so he terminated my call.  I was going to tell him that it had been nice meeting him back in March at the Long Beach Health Freedom Expo in Long Beach when I had given him a printed paperback book edition of this blog.

There were many instances of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) audible during the broadcast.  The easiest ones to distinguish are usually of the word "NO."  This phenomena can be heard on all unedited radio broadcasts; however, the reason it may go unnoticed and unmentioned is that many people apparently have no idea that this is possible and therefore it is beyond their conception.  There must be some radio show hosts who are aware of the phenomena yet it is easy to understand the possible rationales for them not discussing the issue, although this behavior indicates a projection of fear.

George concluded the broadcast by playing a vocal recording of "Auld Lang Syne" from an old TV show.

A 2013 blog article about EVP heard on broadcasts and tape recordings is "EVP and UFOlogy — MP3 Audio: Arthur Shuttlewood 1968 Interview".

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